Uses of Interface

Packages that use BoundControl
net.sf.echobinding.binding Provides the context and adapter classes. 
net.sf.echobinding.controls Provides a selection of data bound controls. 
net.sf.echobinding.model Provides the context and adapter classes. 

Uses of BoundControl in net.sf.echobinding.binding

Methods in net.sf.echobinding.binding that return BoundControl
 BoundControl BindingContext.getControl(java.lang.String id)
          Returns the bound control that belongs to the adapter id.
 BoundControl AbstractBindingContext.getControl(java.lang.String id)

Methods in net.sf.echobinding.binding that return types with arguments of type BoundControl
 java.util.Set<BoundControl> BindingContext.getControls()
          Returns all registered controls.
 java.util.Set<BoundControl> AbstractBindingContext.getControls()

Methods in net.sf.echobinding.binding with parameters of type BoundControl
 void BindingContext.registerControl(java.lang.String id, BoundControl control)
          Registers a bound control at the context.
 void AbstractBindingContext.registerControl(java.lang.String id, BoundControl control)
          Adds a control to the list of registered controls and registers the control as PropertyChangeListener at this context.
 void BindingContext.removeControl(BoundControl control)
          Renoves a bound control from the context.
 void AbstractBindingContext.removeControl(BoundControl control)

Uses of BoundControl in net.sf.echobinding.controls

Classes in net.sf.echobinding.controls that implement BoundControl
 class Button
 class CheckBox
 class Label
          A data bound label.
 class RadioButton<T>
 class SelectField
 class TextField

Uses of BoundControl in net.sf.echobinding.model

Methods in net.sf.echobinding.model that return BoundControl
 BoundControl PresentationModel.getControl(java.lang.String id)
          Returns the bound control for the given id.
 BoundControl AbstractPresentationModel.getControl(java.lang.String id)
          Returns the control for the given adapter id.

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