Packages that use BindingContext | |
net.sf.echobinding | Provides the core classes and components for creating data bound controls and applications. |
net.sf.echobinding.binding | Provides the context and adapter classes. |
net.sf.echobinding.controls | Provides a selection of data bound controls. |
net.sf.echobinding.datacontrol | Provides the core classes and interfaces for forms and data control. |
net.sf.echobinding.model | Provides the context and adapter classes. |
net.sf.echobinding.table | Provides classes and interfaces for creating data bound tables. |
Uses of BindingContext in net.sf.echobinding |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding that return BindingContext | |
static BindingContext |
BindingConfiguration.getBindingContext(java.lang.String contextId)
Methods in net.sf.echobinding that return types with arguments of type BindingContext | |
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,BindingContext> |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding with parameters of type BindingContext | |
BindingConfiguration |
BindingConfiguration.addContext(java.lang.String contextName,
BindingContext context)
void |
BindingConfiguration.registerContext(BindingContext context)
Registers a new binding context. |
void |
BoundControl.setBindingConext(BindingContext context)
Sets the binding context for this widget. |
Method parameters in net.sf.echobinding with type arguments of type BindingContext | |
void |
BindingConfiguration.setContexts(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,BindingContext> contexts)
Uses of BindingContext in net.sf.echobinding.binding |
Classes in net.sf.echobinding.binding that implement BindingContext | |
class |
class |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.binding that return BindingContext | |
BindingContext |
OgnlBindingContext.add(java.lang.String id,
PropertyAdapter adapter)
BindingContext |
BindingContext.add(java.lang.String adapterId,
PropertyAdapter adapter)
Adds a property adapter to the context. |
BindingContext |
AbstractBindingContext.add(java.lang.String id,
PropertyAdapter binding)
BindingContext |
BindingContext |
Creates a new BindingContext instance and adds it as a child to this context. |
BindingContext |
Returns the parent binding context. |
BindingContext |
BindingContext |
Returns the sub context. |
BindingContext |
BindingContext |
BindingContext.setModel(java.lang.Object bean)
Sets the model to be used. |
BindingContext |
OgnlBindingContext.setValidationHandler(ValidationHandler handler)
BindingContext |
BindingContext.setValidationHandler(ValidationHandler handler)
Sets the ValidationHandler for this context. |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.binding that return types with arguments of type BindingContext | |
java.util.Set<BindingContext> |
Returns the child binding contexts. |
java.util.Set<BindingContext> |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.binding with parameters of type BindingContext | |
void |
AbstractBindingContext.addChild(BindingContext child)
Adds a child to the set of child contexts. |
boolean |
BindingContext.removeChild(BindingContext context)
Removes a child context from this context. |
boolean |
AbstractBindingContext.removeChild(BindingContext context)
void |
BindingContext.setParent(BindingContext context)
Sets the parent binding context. |
void |
AbstractBindingContext.setParent(BindingContext parent)
Sets the parent binding context. |
PropertyAdapter |
PropertyAdapter.setSubContext(BindingContext context)
Sets the sub context. |
PropertyAdapter |
AbstractPropertyAdapter.setSubContext(BindingContext context)
Method parameters in net.sf.echobinding.binding with type arguments of type BindingContext | |
void |
AbstractBindingContext.setChilds(java.util.Set<BindingContext> childs)
Sets the child contexts. |
Uses of BindingContext in net.sf.echobinding.controls |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.controls with parameters of type BindingContext | |
void |
TextField.setBindingConext(BindingContext context)
void |
SelectField.setBindingConext(BindingContext context)
void |
RadioButton.setBindingConext(BindingContext context)
void |
Label.setBindingConext(BindingContext context)
void |
CheckBox.setBindingConext(BindingContext context)
void |
Button.setBindingConext(BindingContext context)
Constructors in net.sf.echobinding.controls with parameters of type BindingContext | |
BoundButtonGroup(java.lang.String adapterId,
BindingContext context)
Creates a bound button group. |
Button(java.lang.String id,
BindingContext context)
CheckBox(java.lang.String adapterId,
BindingContext context)
Creates a data bound check box. |
Label(java.lang.String id,
BindingContext context)
Creates a data bound label. |
RadioButton(java.lang.String bindingId,
BindingContext context,
java.lang.String text)
Creates a data bound radio button. |
SelectField(java.lang.String bindingId,
nextapp.echo2.app.list.ListModel model,
BindingContext context)
Creates a data bound select field |
SelectField(java.lang.String adapterId,
java.lang.Object[] items,
BindingContext context)
creates a data bound select field |
SelectField(java.lang.String adapterId,
java.lang.String itemsAdapterId,
BindingContext context)
creates a data bound select field |
TextField(java.lang.String adapterId,
BindingContext context)
creates a data bound text field |
Uses of BindingContext in net.sf.echobinding.datacontrol |
Fields in net.sf.echobinding.datacontrol declared as BindingContext | |
protected BindingContext |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.datacontrol that return BindingContext | |
BindingContext |
Returns the binding context. |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.datacontrol with parameters of type BindingContext | |
void |
FormColumnTable.copyRow(BindingContext context)
abstract nextapp.echo2.app.Component |
FormColumnTable.createRow(BindingContext ctx,
int rowNumber)
Defines how a table row should look like. |
void |
FormColumnTable.deleteRow(BindingContext context)
void |
FormColumnTable.editRow(BindingContext context)
void |
FormColumnTable.saveRow(BindingContext context)
void |
FormColumnTable.setContext(BindingContext ctx)
Sets the binding context. |
Constructors in net.sf.echobinding.datacontrol with parameters of type BindingContext | |
FormColumnTable(java.util.List<T> list,
BindingContext ctx)
Uses of BindingContext in net.sf.echobinding.model |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.model that return BindingContext | |
BindingContext |
Returns the BindingContext for the presentation model. |
BindingContext |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.model with parameters of type BindingContext | |
void |
PresentationModel.setContext(BindingContext context)
Set the BindingContext for this presenation model. |
void |
AbstractPresentationModel.setContext(BindingContext context)
Uses of BindingContext in net.sf.echobinding.table |
Fields in net.sf.echobinding.table declared as BindingContext | |
protected BindingContext |
The binding context. |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.table that return BindingContext | |
BindingContext |
BoundTable.getBindingContext(int rowIndex)
Returns the binding context for the specified row. |
BindingContext |
Methods in net.sf.echobinding.table with parameters of type BindingContext | |
void |
ListEditor.copyRow(BindingContext context)
void |
EditableTable.copyRow(BindingContext context)
Creates a copy of the selected row and adds it to the table. |
void |
ListEditor.deleteRow(BindingContext context)
void |
EditableTable.deleteRow(BindingContext context)
Removes the selected row from the table. |
void |
ListEditor.editRow(BindingContext context)
void |
EditableTable.editRow(BindingContext context)
Shows the selected row in the edit form for editing. |
void |
DetailsHandler.handleDetails(java.lang.String adapterId,
java.util.List list,
BindingContext oneToManyContext)
Handles the details for a bound collection. |
abstract void |
SelectableBoundTable.onSelect(BindingContext ctx)
Defines what will happen on row selection.. |
void |
RowSelectionListener.rowSelectionChanged(BindingContext ctx,
int row)
void |
ListEditor.saveRow(BindingContext context)
void |
EditableTable.saveRow(BindingContext context)
Synchronizes the widgets in the form with the underlying bean. |
void |
BoundTable.setContext(BindingContext ctx)
abstract void |
ListEditor.showForm(BindingContext context)
Displays the form for editing a selected row. |
Constructors in net.sf.echobinding.table with parameters of type BindingContext | |
BoundTable(java.util.List<T> list,
BindingContext ctx)
Creates a data bound table using a list. |
BoundTable(java.lang.String listAdapterId,
BindingContext ctx)
Creates a data bound table using a list adapter. |
ListEditor(java.lang.String listAdapterId,
BindingContext ctx)
SelectableBoundTable(java.util.List<T> list,
BindingContext ctx)
Creates a new SelectableBoundTable from a list and a binding
context. |
SelectableBoundTable(java.lang.String listBindingId,
BindingContext ctx)
Creates a new SelectableBoundTable using a bounded list and a
binding context. |
SelectableTable(java.util.List<T> list,
BindingContext ctx)
Creates a new SelectableTable from a list and a binding
context. |
SelectableTable(java.lang.String listBindingId,
BindingContext ctx)
Creates a new SelectableTable from a data bound list and a
binding context. |